Alessandro Sisto

I am an Associate Professor at Heriot-Watt University.

My main research area is geometric group theory, and
I'm especially interested in generalisations of hyperbolic groups.
Here is some version of my CV (updated: October 2024).

You can find more info about the GGT group at Heriot-Watt here.
I currently have two Phd students, Giorgio Mangioni and Stefanie Zbinden. Former phd students: Antoine Goldsborough and Davide Spriano.
Please contact me and check the Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields webpage for information on our PhD programme.

You may wish to take a look at my blog. If you're here because of HHSs, you may wish to have a look at the resources collected here.

E-mail: a.sisto at

Here are some incomplete lecture notes on Geometric Group Theory. Please let me know if you have comments, corrections, complaints....
Still missing:
1) chapter on free subgroups of hyperbolic groups
2) references

You can find all my papers and prerints here.

Papers and preprints since 2017